Friday, March 17, 2017


About to leave to give a midterm to three classes. But I put off buying gas yesterday; I now have to do it in the dark. Am I the only one who hates self serve gas? Back in the day in Woodville we would pull into Adams Texaco, sit in car while an attendant filled the tank, did the windows, did the tires, and put it on Miss Dolly's tab. Can you imagine that today? One there is no tab in the old sense. We've got credit cards. We had a tab at the grocery store. Just sign and pay once a month. The last grocery on the planet that used to do that was the great Klein's grocery in Tomball, Texas. I loved that store. How many Tomball kids got their first job at Klein's? Here's to Robert Klein the dad and Jeffery Klein his son and my former student. I miss you guys. Praise the grocery gods for Instacart. Where's the at home full service gas? My world would be complete. Gotta go. Tanks to fill and students to fail. JUST KIDDING!!!!

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